“JELIAZKOV AUDIT 2004“ Ltd 0 5 0 0 0


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      “JELIAZKOV AUDIT 2004” Ltd was established in 2004 and registered in trade register under N 5311/2004.

    Company’s line of business includes audit, accounting, tax and trade consulting services, enterprise accounting, financial and accounting analysis and judicial – accounting expertise, evaluation of entities and financial companies, implementation of accounting software and automation of financial and accounting activity.

    Managing Partners and owners of capital shares are:

    Dimitar Jeliazkov Jeliazkov – master of “Accounting and Control” specialization and registered auditor and C.P.A.

    Mariika Krumova Itzkova – master of “Accounting and Control” specialization.

    Boika Yordanova Todorova – master of “Accounting and Control” specialization and registered auditor and C.P.A.

    At present Dimitar Jeliazkov Jeliazkov is a member of the Board of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria, Boyka Todorova is a member of the Control Board.

    Dimitar Jeliazkov has taken a major part in preparation and implementation of National Accounting and Audit legislation. He has a long-standing professional experience as a certified public accountant and registered auditor – 23 years.

    He has been a vice chairman of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants, vice president of ISAR to UNCTAD at the United Nations, vice president and president of SEEPAD.

    At present he is a member of the administrative board of FIDEF.

    At present six specialists are constantly engaged in the audit activities who work on basis of labour contract form as two of them are the managing owners. The third certified public accountant and registered auditor is Zlatka Todorova Kapinkova, certificate N0756 from 2012.

    Company’s office is equipped with the necessary techniques that allow the efficient execution of audit engagements and communications.

    Managing Partners and assistants have many certificates and licences related to the application of IFRS and IAS, as well as evaluators.

    “Jeliazkov Audit 2004” Ltd is a member of a federation of auditing, accounting and consultancy companies- JPA International which headquarters is in Paris – France, as at the present moment 140 companies member from 46 countries all over the world.

    JPA International is a member of the World Forum of Firms, in which members are 23 world reknown firms in the field of audit and accointing. The federation has 35 000 clients from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, North and South Americas.

    For details:www.jpainternational.com

    Regarding the independent financial audit the company applies a schematic method – Appendix 1.

    The autobiographies of the three certified public accountants are attached.

    During the last 5 years, the entity specializes in the audit of international programmes with external financing.

    As of this moment 29 programmes have been audited.

    The entity is registered in Bulgarian National Bank and Financial Supervisory Comission as cerified for audit of banks, financial institutions, investment enities, health insurance and pension funds.

    With the company can be made a consolidation in English, French and Russian.

    As avarage annual work, the entity performs independant financial audit of 60 – 70 entities. The variance, related to the number of the entities during the different years is a reason, not depending on the entity, regarding the quality of the service.

    We will gladly expect calls, related to the performing of these procedures.

    The prices of our services are negotiated on a case by case basis.

    You are welcome!


    /Dimitar Jeliazkov – CPA and RA/

    “JELIAZKOV AUDIT 2004” Ltd –JPA International is capable of providing you with full scope audit and assesment  services, which respond to Bulgarian legislation and International Standards of Financial Reporting IAS / IFRS. Besides our services are aimed to provide you with complex consultant service, which will lead to improving of your business. That could be achieved by using of our business-oriented approach, by which preparation of report for Management needs at the end of the audit review and by professional collaboration with your team of financial specialists during audit review. 
    Conducted by “JELIAZKOV AUDIT 2004” Ltd JPA International audit service consists of following activities: audit strategy, planning, review of current accounting, audit report, evaluation and presentation of audit review results under the form of a motivated opinion for the certification of the annual financial statement.
    We are persuaded that audit services we offer and that are thoroughly described hereinafter will satisfy all your requirements and needs.
    Audit approach for audit procedures
    Audit Requirements
    According the requirements of Commercial Law, Accounting law and Independent Financial Audit Law, it is necessary an audit review to be conducted on annual basis for the companies stated in the provisions, incloding the non-profit organisations. The aim of that requirement for review is to guarantee following of principles and rules for accounting procedures according the acting Bulgarian Legislation, Accounting standards applicable (either national or international) as well as to follow the correct maintenance of the accounting registers and the annual financial report. 
    Regarding this, we will assure the receipt of an independent audit opinion. We would give you concrete suggestions on certain accounting problems, concerning your activity as well as if necessary directions about amendments of the annual financial statement. We offer to conduct an audit review of the annual financial report prepared under the requirements of IAS/ IFRS and the national regulations for the year ending at December 31st, 2012.
    We consider that audit services we offer and that are thoroughly described hereinafter will satisfy all your requirements and needs.
    Method of audit review of Annual Financial Statement
    Common information review
    Our methods and technology allows us to conduct review of Annual Financial Statement for 2012 under the requirements of the International Auditing Standards. Special attention will be paid to statements, prepared during interim accounting closings. The current audit review will be directed into determination the correct implementation of the acting legislation as well as establishing the proper information presented in the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, the Cash flow Statement, the Statement of Equity and the notes applied to them. The issues raised during the audit review should be discussed with your management aiming the proper presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the audit aims.
    Specific areas of work, which we will follow during the review, will be presented in the Planning program, attachment to contracts that can always be expanded as a result of mutual agreement.
    Following the principle of true and fair presentation, we would make all the necessary restatements of the information presented in the annual financial statement to certify that it reflects the Company’s property and its financial positioning all material aspects. 
    Our aim is to express independent audit opinion on whether the financial statement gives a true and fair presentation in all material aspects regarding the legal requirements of the national  legislation and the IFRS treatment.
    Our opinion and assessments of the review performed will be presented in a full scope audit report as it is required by art.13 of the Independent Financial Audit Law as well as according to the International Auditing Standard 700 “The Auditor’s report on financial statements” and the requirements of the Financial Supervisory Commission.
    For achieving the main purpose it is necessary to emphasize on the full understanding of your business activity and the problems, which may confront you. It may be achieved by a close cooperation and professional relationship with your specialists.
    In details we present direction of our work within our Schedule chart that is inseparable   part of current application. 

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